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ChatChat - Claudia Cragg

Dec 10, 2010

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Charles Ferguson is the writer/director of 'Inside Job'.
On Sunday, 27 February, Ferguson, who won the Best Documentary Oscar for his film "Inside Job," used his acceptance speech to air his frustration regarding the fact that no wrongdoers have been sentenced to prison for helping...

Dec 4, 2010

It was back in 1981 that Claudia Cragg fell, by chance as the journalist that she had then been since 1975  (and at that point as a feature writer with the Hong Kong South China Morning Post) into the unbelievably happy position of interviewing interesting people as a profession. And, since that time, she says she has...

Dec 2, 2010

In this interview, Claudia Cragg speaks with Simon Winchester about his latest work of non-fiction, Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms,and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories. In this interview, he discusses those facets of the book that deal with climate change and global warming, ecology,...

Nov 11, 2010

Professor Antony Beevor speaks here with Claudia Cragg about his latest book 'D Day, The Battle for Normandy'.   The Normandy Landings that took place on D-Day involved by far the largest invasion fleet ever known. The scale of the undertaking was simply awesome. What followed them was some of the most cunning and...

Nov 11, 2010

In this interview, Claudia Cragg speaks with Professor Richard Overy about his book '1939 - Countdown to War'. The Washington Post describes it as "an exceptionally lucid, concise and authoritative book which publishes tells the story of "the extraordinary ten days of drama that separated the conclusion of the...