Jan 7, 2019
Claudia Cragg, @KGNUClaudia, speaks with Randy Shaw (@beyondchron) about the lack of affordable housing for low- and middle-income people where homeownership is often, even in 2019, limited by race and class lines.
Shaw will be making an appearance to talk about the book at the Boulder Bookstore on Tues. 12th March at 7:30 pm, and at Denver's Tattered Cover on 13 March 2019, at 7 pm.
Shaw, the director of San Francisco's Tenderloin Housing Clinic (@THClinicSF) has written a book about the housing crisis, #GenerationPricedOut
"Generation Priced Out criticizes cities for advancing policies that increase economic and racial inequality. Shaw also exposes how boomer homeowners restrict millennials' access to housing in big cities, a generational divide that increasingly dominates city politics.
Defying conventional wisdom, Shaw demonstrates that neighborhood gentrification is not inevitable and presents proven measures for cities to preserve and expand their working- and middle-class populations and achieve more equitable and inclusive outcomes."