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Nov 8, 2012

FOLLOW on Twitter @KGNUITEClaudia

KGNU’s Claudia Cragg speaks here with Jack Myers about his new book, 'Hooked Up: A New Generation’s Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World'. Myers shares insights into the first generation to grow up with the Internet and what he considers to be the positive impact...

Nov 8, 2012

FOLLOW on Twitter @KGNUITEClaudia

Gina Keating speaks here with KGNU’s Claudia Cragg about her new book, Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America’s Eyeballs(Portfolio, 2012). Accoring to Keating, the tale of Netflix is “a long struggle for greatness marked by multiple disasters, lucky breaks, personal betrayal,...

Jun 14, 2012

FOLLOW on Twitter @KGNUITEClaudia

Claudia Cragg talks here with Luigi Zingales, author  just last week of an important FT article about the need in the US - and indeed in all financial markets - for the return of Glass-Steagall act (1933, repealed 1999). Historically, this has separated commercial and investment...

Jun 14, 2012

FOLLOW on Twitter @KGNUITEClaudia

KGNU's Claudia Cragg talks here with Professor Edward D. Hess who spent more than 30 years in the business world. His latest book is 'The Physics of Business Growth'. He began his career at Atlantic Richfield Corporation and was a senior executive at Warburg Paribas Becker,...

Jun 12, 2012

FOLLOW on Twitter @KGNUITEClaudia
The topic of this interview is 'Climate Change' as seen through the lens of the Union of Concerned Scientists. UCS is the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world. The organization "strives for independent scientific research and citizen...