Nov 9, 2011
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According to Campaign Manager, Jesse Lava, of’s campaign, ‘Who Are The One Percent?’inequality in the US has ballooned over the last three decades as some of the wealthiest Americans have enriched themselves at the expense of everyone else. Here KGNU’s Claudia Cragg talks to Lava to learn more.
If you go to their website, you can answer give your answer to the question ‘Who are the worst offenders?’
All submissions will then be compiled and a vote will be held to decide which will be exposed on the Brave New Foundation site. The campaign revolves around just two criteria: one, nominees have to come from the wealthiest 1 percent, meaning they must have a net worth of over US$9 million, and they have to be seen to be using their wealth and power to keep down the other 99%.