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Oct 21, 2020

Claudia Cragg @claudiacragg speaks with Jean Reith Schroedel about her new book, Voting in Indian County: The View from the Trenches. Schroedel is professor emerita of political science at Claremont Graduate University and in this work she weaves together historical and contemporary voting rights conflicts as they...

Oct 15, 2020

Claudia Cragg (@claudiacragg) talks here to Heather Lende, (@HeatherLende) a New York Times bestselling author who writes about her hometown  -- Haines, Alaska, She has been discussing what community means since she published If You Lived Here, I’d Know Your Name in 2006 (selling more than 125,000 copies).  After the...

Oct 9, 2020

Claudia Cragg @claudiacragg speaks here with Samuel Myers of the Harvard Planetary Health Alliance. In a recent article he wrote for The Lancet with his colleague, Howard Frumkin, Myers states that, of course, elections impact health through changes in both health-care delivery and upstream social and...

Oct 8, 2020

Claudia Cragg speaking for @KGNU to @Rosemarie_Day1 on #Women and #Healthcare #Obamacare and her new book  Marching Toward Coverage: How Women Can Lead the Fight for Universal Healthcare

Rosemarie Day is the former deputy director and chief operating officer of the Massachusetts Health Connector—the model for...

Oct 1, 2020

REPRISE of an interview for @KGNU in which Claudia Cragg talks for with T.R. Reid who was a bureau chief in Tokyo and London for The Washington Post.

His book, “The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care,” is as valid with #COVID19 in 2020 as it was when originally...