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ChatChat - Claudia Cragg

Sep 24, 2015

(To listen to the interview, please CLICK on the 'Pod' icon above left next to the title. Thank you.)

KGNU's Claudia Cragg speaks here with advertising maven, Linda Kaplan Thaler (@lindathaler2), on 'Grit to Great', co-written with Robin Koval. In this, they tackle a topic that is close to their hearts, one that they...

Sep 23, 2015

(To listen to the interview, please CLICK on the 'Pod' icon above left next to the title. Thank you.)

KGNU's Claudia Cragg talks here with Vicky Unwin on her latest book compiled from letters her mother, Sheila Mills. wrote during World War Two.

Vicky Unwin when writing it, had also faced the tragic and untimely loss of...