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ChatChat - Claudia Cragg

Mar 28, 2019

@KGNUClaudia, Claudia Cragg, speaks here for @KGNU with CEO and Founder of The Critical Reader,  Erica Meltzer. Meltzer has, for years, been at the forefront of preparing students for the verbal portion of the SATs and other admissions tests.
Her range of best-selling test prep books help students conquer the SAT,...

Mar 14, 2019

@KGNUClaudia speaks here for KGNU Denver/Boulder/Fort Collins with Vlatka Hlupic for #ItsTheEconomy Despite decades of research illustrating the benefits of enlightened leadership, the high-performance workplace is still not the norm.

Vlatka Hlupic (@VlatkaHlupic) has spent 20 years investigating this paradox, and in...