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ChatChat - Claudia Cragg

Dec 23, 2021

(That Senator may have made damn sure they'll be NO Child Tax Credits for you coming up, Kiddos!)

The authors, Joanne Samuel Goldblum, (@jgoldblum), founder of the National Diaper Bank Network, and journalist Colleen Shaddox argue that the systems that should protect our citizens are broken and that poverty results from...

Dec 9, 2021

Tanja Hester, @TanjaHester is the author of Wallet Activism: How to Use Every Dollar You Spend, Earn, and Save as a Force for Change (November 2021).

Clear-eyed and practical, #WalletActivism helps angry, overwhelmed, and disillusioned consumers cut through the marketing lies of companies that have rebranded their...

Dec 2, 2021

(REPOST of June 2018 Interview with Dunya Mikhail)
This week, a German court on Tuesday jailed a former Islamic State militant for life after convicting him of involvement in genocide and crimes against humanity over mass killings of minority Yazidis by IS in Syria and Iraq.
It was the first genocide verdict against a...

Nov 25, 2021

The holiday season can be fraught for all kinds of reasons for so many. But just imagine how very alarming and emotionally harrowing it must be for those whose family members are in a cult. Perhaps you are, or perhaps you have friends or family who are (they may even be seeking to LEAD a cult themselves!) but at...

Nov 11, 2021

Claudia Cragg (@claudiacragg) speaks here with Dr Leonard Rubinstein. @JohnsHopkins @bermaninstitute #CentreForPublicHealthAndHumanRights #CentreForHumanitarianHealth 

Bringing together extensive research, firsthand experience, and compelling personal stories, Perilous Medicine also offers a path forward, detailing...