Nov 9, 2008
Diane Wilson is a 60-year old mother of five children, one of
whom is autistic, as well as a fifth-generation shrimp fisher out
of Seadrift, Texas. As an environmental activist, she has
successfully taken on companies like Formosa Plastics and Alcoa,
for their pollution of Lavaca Bay in the Gulf of Texas, as well as
Union Carbide for its polluting plant in Bhopal, India. She is also
a co-founder of 'Code Pink'.
In her first very successful memoir, 'An Unreasonable Woman', she
explained how she was led into activism. Now she talks to KGNU's
Claudia Cragg about her latest memoir, 'Holy Roller' published by
Chelsea Green out of Vermont. This retells Wilson's life as a 9
year old child brought up in fundamental Evangelism, a religion
which she then completely shunned, but which combined with her
Grandfather's Cherokee mysticism made her, she says, the activist
she is today.