Nov 29, 2017
Who works and how we work have changed dramatically in recent years, yet the policies and institutions governing work and employment remain mired in the world of work of the 1930s. As a result, the social contract—what we expect from and are accountable for at work—has broken down. The central challenge of our generation of industrial relations professionals is to update these policies and institutions to create and support a new social contract capable of meeting the needs and expectations of the workforce, economy, and society of the 21st century.
To discuss this further, KGNU's Claudia Cragg returns to #ItsTheEconomy with Thomas A. Kochan (@TomKochan). He is President, Industrial Relations Research Association MIT Institute for Work & Employment Research. Kochan believes that we can’t do this, making the important changes needed, alone. He says there is a need to continue taking ideas to the American public. Unless a broad cross section of the public is engaged —young and old, women and men, entry level and professional-managerial workers-- the message will, he says, fall on deaf ears.
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